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Table 1 Dimensions and research questions assessed in the process evaluation of the intersec-CM study

From: Intersectoral care management for older people with cognitive impairment during and after hospital stays [intersec-CM]: study protocol for a process evaluation within a randomised controlled trial

Dimensions of the intervention

Research questions

Data source

1. Outcomes

Which of the effects on primary and secondary outcomes were statistically significant?

Trial data

2. Implementation/satisfaction

Which expectations and attitudes do patients and stakeholders have with respect to the trial? Which problems occurred during the intervention? Was the intervention delivered as intended to the patients? How is the intervention accepted? Are some intervention components more accepted than others?


3. Transfer into routine care/feasibility

In which way is a transfer of the intervention into routine care possible? What are the enablers and barriers to implement the performed Care Management in routine care?


4. Assignment of responsibilities and tasks; clinical intervention pathways

How is the intervention conducted? How are responsibilities and tasks distributed and assigned? Which actor fulfils which tasks? Are there typical pathways during the interventions?

Interviews, trial data

5. Qualification and qualification requirements

What qualification is needed to conduct the intervention and to actively support the transition process?

Interviews, questionnaire

6. Context factors

Are there any differences between the two centres? Are there contextual/environmental factors which have the potential to acceptability and/or influence the implementation?

Interviews, questionnaire