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Table 2 Sample size estimates for the combined effect of pre- and peri-conception intervention package and enhanced antenatal, postnatal and early childhood care (A vs D)

From: Impact of an integrated nutrition, health, water sanitation and hygiene, psychosocial care and support intervention package delivered during the pre- and peri-conception period and/or during pregnancy and early childhood on linear growth of infants in the first two years of life, birth outcomes and nutritional status of mothers: study protocol of a factorial, individually randomized controlled trial in India


Main effect size

Sample size per group

Linear growth at 24 months

 - Mean LAZ

0.20 SD (absolute value 0.80 cm at 24 mo)


 - Proportion stunted (30%)

30% relative reduction


Birth weight/birth length

0.20 SD (absolute value 100 g birth weight and 0.45 cm birth length)


Proportion LBW (25%)

30% relative reduction


Preterm birth (12%) [35]

30% relative reduction


SGA at birth (36%) [10]

30% relative reduction


  1. 90% power for all outcomes except 80% for preterm births. 95% confidence level for all outcomes