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Table 2 Observational grid for the situation of patient‘separation from the child (current attachment style of the person with dementia (PWD))

From: Doll therapy intervention for women with dementia living in nursing homes: a randomized single-blind controlled trial protocol

Patient ID:


Doll Therapy Intervention:

Sham Intervention (cube):




1. First stage: interaction between the patient and her child

 1.a. Gaze direction:

  Toward the child


  Avoidant of the child




 1.b. Responses to the interaction with the child:





  Seeking closeness




  Moving away from the child


2. Second stage: separation from the child

 2.a. Responses to the separation from the child:







  Lack of interest


3. Third stage: behaviours during the absence of the child



 Looking for the child


 Lack of interest




 Turning toward the stranger (the researcher)


4. Fourth stage: behaviours during the reunion with the child

 4.a. Gaze direction:

  Toward the child


  Avoidant of the child


  Between the child and the room




 4.b. Responses to the presence of the child:







  Seeking closeness




  Moving away from the child