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Table 1 Observational grid for caregiving behaviours of the person with dementia (PWD) during the object presentation (doll or cube) (fulfill after the 1st and the 30th session looking at the videotape)

From: Doll therapy intervention for women with dementia living in nursing homes: a randomized single-blind controlled trial protocol

Patient ID:


1st session:

30th session:

Doll Therapy Intervention:

Sham Intervention (cube):




1.Object presentation

 1.a.Gaze direction:

  Toward the nurse


  Toward the object


  Between the nurse and the object


  Immediately toward elsewhere


  Between the nurse and the object, then toward elsewhere




 1.b.Responses to the object presentation:





  Avoidance of the contact with the object




  Asking the nurse for a meaning of the situation


2. Separation from the nurse

 2.a Responses to the separation from the nurse:








  Lack of interest


3. Behaviours during the interaction with the object

 3.a. Exploration behaviours:

  Exploration behaviours


  Duration of exploration behaviours (seconds)


  Types of exploration behaviours






  Looking at the object


  Moving the object around


  Relocating the object




 3.b. Caregiving behaviours:

  Caregiving behaviours


  Duration of caregiving behaviours (seconds)


  Types of caregiving behaviours


  Tightening grip on the object














4.Separation from the object


 Putting the object aside


 After how long does the patient puts the object aside (seconds)


 Looking for the nurse


 Calling the nurse


 Staying seated

  1. PWD people with dementia