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Table 2 In each trial arm, both groups will receive five lists. For each list, the control group will get the first five items only; the treatment group will receive the five items and the sixth sensitive item, indicated by an asterisk (*). Each list experiment will be preceded by the question: “How many of the five/six statements do you agree with? We don’t want to know which ones, just answer how many. This week I will spend time watching TV, etc.”

From: An entertainment-education approach to prevent COVID-19 spread: study protocol for a multi-site randomized controlled trial

List 1: Social distancing

List 2: Wash hands

1. Spend time watching TV

1. Clip my toenails

2. Do the vacuuming

2. Spend time watching movies

3. Pick a fight with my partner

3. Clean the toilet

4. Eat a low sugar diet

4. Smoke marijuana

5. Rinse my nose with salt water daily

5. Eat fruit daily

6. Go out with my friends*

6. Wash my hands frequently*

List 3: Clean surfaces

List 4: Share utensils

1. Watch a new TV series

1. Spend time on the Internet

2. Spend time gardening by myself

2. Do daily indoor exercises

3. Try to go vegetarian

3. Take an online course

4. Have alcoholic drinks on at least three evenings

4. Play a prank on my partner

5. Catch up on last week’s work

5. Smoke cigarettes

6. Clean kitchen counters after use*

6. Clean my dishes after use*

List 5: Stockpiling


1. Spend time chatting with my friends online


2. Try new cooking recipes


3. Watch a pornographic movie


4. Clean all floor surfaces


5. Visit the World Health Organization (WHO) website


6. Stock up on household supplies for a month*