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Table 2 Title and content of sessions of the CBT program My Health too

From: Efficacy of an online cognitive behavioral therapy program developed for healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: the REduction of STress (REST) study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Session number

Session title

Session content


The psychological mechanisms of stress

Psychoeducation on Lazarus and Folkman’s [43] transactional stress model; cognitive restructuring


Useful behaviors during highly stressful situations

Functional coping strategies (e.g., problem-solving, social support, relaxation, and cognitive restructuring)


Mindfulness in everyday life

Mindfulness vs. automatic pilot; mindful observation; 3-min mindfulness practice; letting go of the automatic pilot to improve sleep


Dropping the anchor in the present moment to increase resilience

Mindfulness/acceptance skills (i.e., dropping the anchor, cognitive defusion)


Engaging in valued actions

Understanding how values are linked to emotions; identification of values, and valued actions


Self-compassion to improve self-care

Psychoeducation on compassion as a psychological skill to soothe difficult emotions and self-criticism [45]; barriers to self-compassion; compassion as a means to self-care


Self-compassion to improve emotion regulation

How to use self-compassion to soothe difficult emotions; using self-compassion as a means to self-care; compassion-focused mindfulness [46]