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Table 2 Quality of Recovery (QoR-9) Questionnaire. Each question can be quoted with 0, 1, or 2 according to the level of agreement. The total score is the sum of all responses. As the last three questions are asked inversely, the scoring scheme is to be inverted

From: Substitution of perioperative albumin deficiency disorders (SuperAdd) in adults undergoing vascular, abdominal, trauma, or orthopedic surgery: protocol for a randomized controlled trial

QoR-9 questions

Had a feeling of general well-being.

Had support from others (especially doctors and nurses).

Been able to understand instructions and advice. Not being confused.

Been able to look after personal toilet and hygiene unaided.

Been able to pass urine and having no trouble with bowel function.

Been able to breathe easily.

Been free from headache, backache, or muscle pains.

Been free from nausea, dry retching, or vomiting.

Been free from experiencing severe pain or constant moderate pain.