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Table 1 Health TAPESTRY implementation site inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: Health TAPESTRY Ontario: protocol for a randomized controlled trial to test reproducibility and implementation

Primary care practice inclusion criteria

Primary care practice exclusion criteria

A primary care practice with a clearly identified practice champion for Health TAPESTRY model

No functional connections to an interdisciplinary primary care team to support individual patient assessments

Interprofessional primary care team available to provide core implementation components

Focused assessment on a single condition or disease

Team-based use of an electronic medical record system for documentation or willingness to engage in team-based use


Able and willing to use the Health TAPESTRY web-based application (TAP-App)


Partnership or access to a local organization with volunteer infrastructure with the capacity to recruit, train, sustain, and coordinate volunteers, and ensure volunteers have access to the digital health tools needed to fulfill role