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Table 3 Key components of the lifestyle coach sessions (face to face visits)

From: Optimisation of the ActWELL lifestyle intervention programme for women attending routine NHS breast screening clinics

Programme length

12 months


Face to face


2 sessions - 60 min and 45 min, within 3 months

Who delivers

Trained lifestyle coach (volunteers from Breast Cancer Now)

Place of delivery

Local leisure centres (in office facilities)

Professional support

Telephone contact details provided

Social support

“Bring a buddy” offered, friend/partner/family member can be invited

Theoretical framework

COM-B model

Summary of behaviour change techniques utilsed

 • Motivational interviewing

 • Goal setting (graduated/gradual, achievable)

 • Action plans (implementation intentions)

 • Coping planning

 • Self-monitoring and feedback

Primary outcomes

Changes in body weight and physical activity

Action plans and implementation intentions

Goals will be set for:

 • Weekly weight recording

 • Daily walking plan

 • Agreed food and drink (including alcohol)

 • Implementation intentions agreed (when, where and how)

Coping plans self-monitoring

Introduce activity focus

 • Provide pedometer

 • Pedometer/walking plan and diary

 • Offer body weight scales

 • Explanation of self-monitoring proceduresReview of previously set goals and modification, if necessary

Education - breast cancer risk reduction

5 min

Evidence relating lifestyle breast cancer risk

 • Evidence on importance of lifestyle change after age 50 years

 • Further reading links

 • Brief background to which lifestyle factors increase risk and why

  - Weight

  - Physical activity

  - Alcohol

 • Weight gain and the risk of breast cancer

 • Reasons for eligibility (age and weight) and recognition that many women are already active and mindful of diet and body weight

Education - physical activity

20 min, including interactive walk and talk

 • Demonstration of brisk walking + pedometer (interactive) over a 10 min walk and talk session

 • Personalised walking plan (to fit with usual daily agendas)

 • Physical activity guidelines

 • Tips for decreasing sedentary behaviour

 • Links to a range of community opportunities provided

 • Introduction to leisure centre staff for access to premises

(Set daily physical activity goal according to personalised walking plan)

Education - diet

45 min including interactive tasks (sugar in drinks/portion size quiz, dietary assessments procedures)

 • Drinks - the importance of water

 • Sugary drinks - sugar and calorie content

 • Alcohol - calories, alcohol, tips for cutting down, links for support

 • Snacks and discretionary foods - biscuits, chocolate, crisps, cheese

 • Meal patterns and healthy food choices (Eatwell guide)

 • Using traffic light labelling to guide food choices

 • Personalisation of eating plan (feedback on dietary assessment)

 • Importance of small changes and maintenance of these

Education - weight management

20 min including interactive task (personal identification of weight category, offer free body scales if required)

 • Discussion of goal to achieve (and maintain) 7% weight loss over 1 year using a 600 kcal energy deficit diet

 • Importance of diet and physical activity in weight loss

 • Personalised daily eating guide - according to body size, caloric requirements and food preferences


15 mins

General support - listening re health, circumstances, experience of previous weight loss attempts. Non-judgmental approaches required at all times. Clarity that coaches are there to support not judge

Coping plans (following illness, holidays, etc.)

Getting family members involved for social support

Agree future appointments to suit participant as far as possible