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Table 1 Baseline characteristics

From: Two-by-two factorial randomised study within a trial (SWAT) to evaluate strategies for follow-up in a randomised prevention trial


No SMS notification for questionnaires + voucher at 24-month visit

(n = 350)

SMS notification for questionnaires + voucher at 24-month visit

(n = 345)

No SMS notification for questionnaires + voucher before 24-month visit

(n = 352)

SMS notification for questionnaires + voucher before 24-month visit

(n = 347)

Host trial allocation


173 (49%)

175 (51%)

177 (50%)

176 (51%)


177 (51%)

170 (49%)

175 (50%)

171 (49%)

Number of first-degree relatives with atopic diseasea


128 (37%)

125 (36%)

131 (37%)

123 (35%)


139 (40%)

167 (48%)

141 (40%)

149 (43%)

 3 or more

83 (24%)

53 (15%)

80 (23%)

75 (22%)

Age of mother: mean [SD]

32.0 [5.0]

31.5 [5.3]

31.3 [5.3]

31.7 [5.4]

Number of other children in household


133 (38%)

148 (43%)

146 (41%)

141 (41%)


150 (43%)

135 (39%)

141 (40%)

131 (38%)


49 (14%)

37 (11%)

53 (15%)

52 (15%)

 3 or more

18 (5%)

25 (7%)

12 (3%)

23 (7%)

Decile of English Index of Multiple Deprivation 2015

 Median [25th, 75th centiles]

6 [4, 9]

6 [3, 9]

6 [3, 9]

5 [3, 8]






  1. Data shown are n (%) using the number randomised to each group as the denominator unless otherwise specified
  2. SD standard deviation, SMS short message service
  3. aHost trial stratification variable