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Table 1 Mechanisms of action of PM+ intervention

From: Effectiveness of Group Problem Management Plus (Group-PM+) for adults affected by humanitarian crises in Nepal: study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial

PM+ mechanisms of action

Description of mechanism

Implementation of mechanism

Stress management

Participants learn deep breathing. They are encouraged to incorporate this mechanism into daily life (i.e., when doing housework, walking, etc.). Grounding techniques are incorporated to bring participants back to the present

Session 1

Behavioral activation

Participants review the inactivity cycle. They choose a small activity that they enjoy doing (i.e., making and drinking tea, meeting a friend etc.) and create a detailed plan about when and how to conduct this activity as a first step in breaking the inactivity cycle

Session 2

Managing problems

Participants learn which of their problems are solvable and which are unsolvable. One problem is chosen amongst the solvable problems and participants brainstorm tangible solutions, then create manageable steps to accomplish their goals

Session 3

Strengthening social support

Participants learn to recognize who amongst their family and friends are existing and potential sources of support and how best to strengthen connections with them. Social network mapping activities are incorporated into this mechanism

Session 4

  1. The first four sessions of PM+ each addresses a specific mechanism of action. The fifth and last session is a review of the mechanisms of actions learned in the previous sessions