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Table 2 Process evaluation components, areas of research, explanatory data and outcomes

From: Protocol for the Process Evaluation of the Online Remote Behavioural Intervention for Tics (ORBIT) randomized controlled trial for children and young people

Process evaluation components

Research questions

Explanatory data


Implementation (what is implemented and how?)

➢ Fidelity of implementation

➢ Dose of intervention delivered

➢ Adaptations

➢ Reach

➢ Therapist contact/time (n = 110)

➢ BIP TIC adherence (n = 110)

➢ Usage metrics (n = 110)

➢ Clinician (n > 5), children and parent (n= > 20), therapist (n= > 5) interviews

➢ Engagement and satisfaction with intervention

Mechanisms of impact (how does it produce change?)

➢ Mediators and moderators

➢ Unexpected pathways and consequences

➢ Usage metrics

➢ Therapist contacts

➢ Clinician, children and parent, therapist interviews

➢ YGTSS TTTS change

Context (how do factors external to the intervention affect implementation and change?)

➢ Factors related to improvement in YGTSS TTSS, fidelity of delivery

➢ Demographic data

➢ Clinician, children and parent, therapist interviews

➢ Service use

➢ Comorbidities

➢ Baseline severity of tics

➢ YGTSS TTTS change

➢ Engagement with intervention

  1. aYGTSS Yale Global Tic Severity Scale, TTSS Total Tic Severity Score, BIP TIC Internet-delivered behavioural intervention