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Table 13 Self-reported behaviour: awareness of treatment claims

From: Effects of the Informed Health Choices primary school intervention on the ability of children in Uganda to assess the reliability of claims about treatment effects, 1-year follow-up: a cluster-randomised trial

How often do you hear treatment claims?


Control schools

N = 2844

Intervention schools

N = 3943

One or more most days

572 (20.1%)

1000 (25.4%)

One or more most weeks

374 (13.2%)

599 (15.2%)

One or more most months

497 (17.5%)

715 (18.1%)

Almost never

653 (23.0%)

788 (20.0%)

I don’t know

717 (25.2%)

810 (20.5%)


31 (1.1%)

31 (0.8%)

One or more most days or most weeks

946 (33.8%)

1599 (40.6%)

Odds ratioa


(95% CI, 1.02–1.79)

P = 0.0356

Adjusted differenceb


(95% CI, 0.5–12.9%)

  1. aThe odds ratio for the dichotomised data is shown in the table. The odds ratio from the mixed ordinal logistic regression was 1.30 (95% CI, 1.01 to 1.67; P = 0.0431)
  2. bThe difference is an adjusted difference, based on a mixed model with a random effects term for the clusters and the stratification variables modelled as fixed effects, using logistic regression. The odds ratio from the logistic regression has been converted to a difference using the intervention schools as the reference and the inverse of the odds ratios shown here