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Table 1 Overview of the BrainACT treatment programme

From: The BrainACT study: acceptance and commitment therapy for depressive and anxiety symptoms following acquired brain injury: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial




Value exploration and difference between goals and actions

Committed action and Mindfulness

Committed action on the long and short term in relation to values, education about mindfulness, and practising contact with the present moment

Effect of control

Creative hopelessness; the undeniability of human suffering and the long-term consequences of trying to control it


Introducing acceptance as an alternative to control


Changing the relationship with thoughts, naming the mind


Changing the relationship with thoughts about oneself and introducing the constant self

Defusion and Mindfulness

Review and exercises on defusion and mindfulness

Psychological flexibility

Review of the different core components, explanation on how these skills together lead to psychological flexibility, and preparation on relapse and setbacks