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Table 1 Men-centered mobilization strategies

From: Zwakala Ndoda: a cluster and individually randomized trial aimed at improving testing, linkage, and adherence to treatment for hard-to reach men in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Social games and edutainment

Different games are organized monthly per intervention community. These games include street soccer, field soccer, fun run/walk, card games, etc. These also include screening of soccer games on a big screen in taverns if a community Wi-Fi hot spot is available. While men participate in these games, health messages are distributed and testing is provided through the mobile van.

Men’s dialogues

The team organizes dialogues as a safe space for men to discuss matters pertaining to their health. Men are encouraged to be open about issues concerning them. Video clips of topics such as “AIDS in our community, Living positive with HIV/AIDS, Phuza Wise, Help stop women abuse, Alcohol and you” developed by a local communications non-governmental organization called Soul City ( are played to prompt discussion about men and their health. HTS staff are available to provide testing before and after each dialogue.


Large amounts of pamphlets with study information are printed and distributed in taxi rank, taverns and sheebens, busy intersections, places of worships, and many other social venues. Posters are also pasted at strategic venues where are men are frequenting. Some of these posters provide general HIV testing FAQs and others are provide testing van schedule.

  1. HTS HIV testing services