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Table 1 Primary objective, research questions, and hypothesis

From: Internet-based interpersonal psychotherapy for stress, anxiety, and depression in prenatal women: study protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial



Research questions

Testable hypothesis


To assess the feasibility and acceptability of online interpersonal psychotherapy for prenatal women

Do prenatal women find the online IPT intervention is easily integrated as a component of prenatal care without difficulty?

Do prenatal women find the online IPT intervention acceptable?

What will improve the performance of online interpersonal psychotherapy in a full trial version for prenatal women?

Is it feasible to enroll and retain prenatal women in a study to assess an online IPT intervention?

Is it feasible to perform data collection procedures as planned?

Is it feasible to deliver the IPT program as intended?

Prenatal women will define strategies to enhance online interpersonal psychotherapy, readying it for a full trial

  1. IPT interpersonal psychotherapy