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Table 3 Assessment for CVI/PVD, corresponding test, observations, and grading by Principal Investigator

From: The effect of visual support strategies on the quality of life of children with cerebral palsy and cerebral visual impairment/perceptual visual dysfunction in Nigeria: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Subcategory of CVI/PVD




Visual fixation

A fixation light is presented before both eyes at a distance of 0.75 m

Central, sustained or maintained

Present (central, sustained and maintained) or absent

Visual guidance, colour, eye–hand coordination and visual memory

Lea 3D puzzle, coloured

Eye–hand coordination and visual guidance of movement: watching the movement a child makes with their hand, elbow or forearm when asked to turn over a piece of puzzle; the ability to place the puzzle pieces correctly

The capacity to orientate the shape is subjectively viewed

Short-term memory for localization: can a child place a piece of puzzle in the correct place after being distracted

Easy, difficult, cannot do and why, or not applicable

Visual guidance and 3D recognition of concrete objects

Lea 3D puzzle, black and white

Eye–hand coordination and visual guidance of movement: watching the movement a child makes with their hand, elbow or forearm when asked to turn over a piece of puzzle

3D assessment of an object; ability to place the puzzle pieces correctly

Short-term memory for localization: can a child place a piece of puzzle in the correct place after being distracted

Easy, difficult, cannot do and why, or not applicable

Visual recognition and line orientation in three dimensions (vertical, horizontal, oblique) and eye–hand coordination

Lea mailbox game

Visual perception of line orientation done with the fingers, hand, or forearm:

• the child is asked to drop a card through the slot of the LEA Mailbox Game

• the child is asked to match the orientation of the slot

Easy, difficult, cannot do and why, or not applicable

Visual recognition of differences in size, length and direction of lines

Lea rectangles game

Size, length perception:

• watch the orientation of the hand and fingers as the child grasps a block

• can the child place a block of the same length on top of another?

• can the child appreciate short and long as a change in length?

• response to the enquiry concerning whether a correct or an incorrect arrangement looks the same

Easy, difficult, cannot do and why, or not applicable

Yes, no, not sure, do not know, not applicable

Visual attention

Identification of self-reflection in the mirror test

Pick-up test: picks up a small ball of uniform size (1 mm) placed on a patterned surface

Identification of self-image

The distance at which the child loses interest in self-image

Searches for and identifies the ball

Alert and attentive, alert but not attentive, not alert, not attentive

Documentation of the distance at which attention is lost; easy, difficult, cannot do and why, or not applicable

Visual search

Pick-up test: picks up a small ball of uniform size (1 mm) placed on a plain or patterned surface

Searches for and identifies the ball

Easy, difficult, cannot do and why, or not applicable

Facial recognition test

Heide expression test

Interpretation of facial expressions:

can the child interpret the facial expression?

Can the child identify a similar facial expression?

Yes, no, cannot do, why or not applicable

Easy, difficult, cannot do and why, or not applicable

  1. CVI cerebral visual impairment, PVD perceptual visual disorders