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Table 3 Study events and activities

From: Do mobile phone-based reminders and conditional financial transfers improve the timeliness of childhood vaccinations in Tanzania? Study protocol for a quasi-randomized controlled trial


Arm 1

(standard of care)

Arm 2

(reminders only)

Arm 3

(reminders + incentive)


Recruitment and enrollment during the last trimester (EDD within 3 months). In-person baseline survey



Phone-based documentation of birth date and birth outcome within 14 days of EDD

Vaccination V0

At birth (t 0 )




Phone-based confirmation of V0 visit at t0+14d. If not vaccinated, follow up every 14 days

Updates to t6w, t10w, and t14w as needed


Full amount if V0 visit by t0+14d

Half amount if V0 visit between t0+14d and t0+28d

None after t0+28d

Vaccination V1

6 weeks (t6w)






Reminders at t6w-7d and t6w-1d

Phone-based confirmation of V1 visit at t6w+14d. If not vaccinated, follow up every 14 days

Updates to t10w and t14w as needed


Full amount if V1 visit by t6w+14d

Half amount if V1 visit between t6w+14d and t6w+28d

None after t6w+28d

Vaccination V2

10 weeks (t 10w )






Reminders at t10w-7d and t10w-1d

Phone based confirmation of V2 visit at t10w+14d. If not vaccinated, follow up every 14 days.

Updates to t14w as needed


Full amount if V2 visit by t10w+14d

Half amount if V2 visit between t10w+14d and t10w+28d

None after t10w+28d

Vaccination V3

14 weeks (t14w)





Reminders at t14w-7d and t14w-1d

Phone based confirmation of V3 visit at t14w+14d. If not vaccinated, follow up every 14 days.


Full amount if V3 visit by t14w+14 days

Half amount if V3 visit between t10w+14d and t10w+28d

None after t14w+28d

Exit survey

In-person survey to assess barriers to vaccinations, acceptability of reminders (arms 2 and 3) and incentives (arm 3), and document vaccination coverage and timeliness using government-issued vaccination cards

  1. Abbreviations: EDD = expected date of delivery; w = weeks; d = days; t = time; BCG, OPV, Penta, PCV, Rota: see Table 1