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Table 4 Psychologically informed physical therapy (PIPT) training course content details

From: Targeted interventions to prevent transitioning from acute to chronic low back pain in high-risk patients: development and delivery of a pragmatic training course of psychologically informed physical therapy for the TARGET trial


Content description


 Pain science update

Variability as an inherent feature of the pain experience; psychological factors as indicators to provide explanation of pain-related patient differences

 PIPT overview

Identification of pain-associated psychological distress and use of targeted treatment approaches as key tenets of PIPT; preventing transition to chronic back pain is a primary outcome goal for PIPT

 Risk stratification

Patient subgrouping; prognostic risk stratification; STarT Back Screening Tool

 Targeted treatment

General overview of recommended treatment pathways for STarT Back low, medium, and high risk

 Cognitive behavioral therapy

Principal CBT assumptions (e.g., treatment to address cognitive, emotional, and behavioral dimensions); CBT components (e.g., goal setting, skill development, monitoring, maintenance); distinction between CBT and PIPT


Reflection on working with patient who is challenging to therapist (recognizing own thoughts, moods, sensations); empowerment through awareness; challenges and opportunities for physical therapist

PIPT management

 Patient-centered communication

  Active listening

Examples, roadblocks, strategies

  Motivational interviewing

Components (acceptance, compassion, evocation, partnership); strategies (open-ended questions, affirmations, reflections, summary)


Collaborative process; assessing patient confidence, commitment, and barriers; SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-based)

 Pain coping skills

  Physiologic relaxation

Diaphragmatic breathing methods, progressive muscle relaxation


Pleasant place imagery

  Replacing cognitive distortions

Using STarT Back Tool responses to identify and replace unhelpful thinking; treatment time efficiency

 Patient education

Interactive, online program to help individuals manage pain following an injury


  Graded exercise

Operant-conditioning model; quota-based dosage system; progression; reward strategies

  Graded exposure

Phobia model; hierarchical exposure approach; progression based on decreased fear of activity


  Clinical practice guidelines

Review of orthopedic section of the APTA Low Back Pain Clinical Practice Guidelines

 Treatment monitoring

Treatment monitoring concept and suggested methods

 Challenges and opportunities

Open discussion with reference to peer-reviewed literature surrounding topic

  1. APTA American Physical Therapy Association, CBT cognitive behavioral therapy