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Table 2 Descriptive statistics of the newly formed control and intervention groups. Each group consists of 12 territories

From: Use of a Geographic Information System to create treatment groups for group-randomized community trials: The Minnesota Heart Health Program




Variables used in balancing territories

 # Health systems, range



 # Clinics, total



 Target age groupa

  # Women

15,755 (976)

16,129 (949)

  # Men

18,827 (1518)

19,190 (1380)

 Target education groupb

  # Women

11,227 (634)

11,236 (474)

  # Men

10,259 (468)

10,366 (703)

Variables not used in balancing territories

 Sex (%)


49.5 (0.7)

49.9 (0.4)


50.5 (0.7)

50.1 (0.4)

 Median age, years


43.7 (3.3)

44.1 (4.7)


42.3 (3.5)

43.3 (4.4)

 Education level

  # Less than high school

5706 (1335)

5673 (1611)

  # High school

37,416 (5497)

36,307 (6613)

  # College

19,444 (2485)

18,226 (4969)

  # Postgraduate/professional

4556 (1363)

4144 (1359)

 Average income ($US)

69,611 (3069)

65,682 (9600)

 # Married

47,517 (13,293)

46,298 (17,514)

  1. Values are mean (SD), unless noted otherwise
  2. # number
  3. aMen aged 45–79 years, women aged 55–79 years
  4. bAt least some college education