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Table 2 Exclusion criteria for TIC-TOC trial

From: Traumatic injury clinical trial evaluating tranexamic acid in children (TIC-TOC): study protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial

Exclusion criteria include any of the below:

1. Unable to administer study drug within 3 h of traumatic event

2. Known pregnancy

3. Known prisoners

4. Known wards of the state

5. Cardiac arrest prior to randomization

6. GCS score of 3 with bilateral unresponsive pupils

7. Isolated subarachnoid hemorrhage, epidural hematoma, or diffuse axonal injury

8. Known bleeding/clotting disorders

9. Known seizure disorders

10. Known history of severe renal impairment

11. Unknown time of injury

12. Previous enrollment into the TIC-TOC trial

13. Prior TXA for current injury

14. Non-English and non-Spanish speaking

15. Known venous or arterial thrombosis

  1. Abbreviations: GCS Glasgow Coma Scale, TOC-TOC Traumatic Injury Clinical Trial Evaluating Tranexamic Acid in Children, TXA tranexamic acid