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Table 3 Components of the cultural appropriateness assessment of Fam-FFC [112,113,114]

From: Reducing disability via a family centered intervention for acutely ill persons with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias: protocol of a cluster-randomized controlled trial (Fam-FFC study)

EM Model Component

Sample/Data Source


I. Family caregivers’ (FCG) experiences of Ecological Model (EM) model constructs (categories 1,3,4,5,6,8)

FCGs who self-identify as black, Latino, Asian, and white will be randomly selected (approximately 10% of families from each ethnic group; if theoretical saturation is not reached, interviews will continue until saturation is reached.) A draft semi-structured interview guide will be refined with the input of a hospital patient / family council

Qualitative content analysis of audiotaped, transcribed interviews conducted at the 6-month post-hospital discharge home visit. Trustworthiness [113] is enhanced by the team’s methodological expertise, random sampling, rigorous analytic approaches, member checking, and a detailed audit trail

II. Nurse champion experiences of EM model constructs (categories 1,3,4,5,6,8)

The 6 champions (2 per setting) will be interviewed using a semi-structured interview guide

Qualitative content analysis of audiotaped, transcribed interviews at conclusion of intervention at each site

III. Evaluation of measures for reliability and validity for the ethnic groups represented in the study (category 7)

1) The internal consistency of the caregiver outcome measures as well as relationships with known correlates (e.g., educational level) will be evaluated in the first 20 Spanish-speaking respondents/

2) Both content and face validity of each measure will be discussed in participant interviews outlined in Component I above

Cronbach’s alphas for caregiver outcomes will be assessed. The participants will be asked to assess their perceptions of measures and identify potential cultural gaps in measurement content in Component I above

IV. Assessment of whether ethnic concordance moderates the relationship between treatment group and patient/ family outcomes (category 2)

The ethnicities of nurse champions and each family will be documented as concordant or not

Concordance will potentially be used as a covariate in analyses for specific aims 1, 2