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Table 4 Content of two staff education sessions

From: Feasibility of a physical activity programme embedded into the daily lives of older adults living in nursing homes: protocol for a randomised controlled pilot feasibility study

Session 1 (2 h)

 (i) Welcome, introduction and the importance of PA for older adults

 (ii) What the intervention aims to achieve and the rationale for the intervention

 (iii) Overview of the goals set by participants

 (iv) Implementation plan, including the structure on supervising participants with their programmes, completing the adherence sheets and addressing potential barriers to implementation

 (v) Techniques for educating participants on the benefits of PA and motivating participants with their programmes

 (vi) Questions and answers

Session 2 (1 h)

 (i) Evaluation on progress of the study

 (ii) Addressing issues which may be challenging the implementation of the programme

 (iii) Methods to assist participants’ continued engagement with their programme