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Table 3 Items to report in journal or conference abstracts for social and psychological intervention trials [13]

From: CONSORT-SPI 2018 Explanation and Elaboration: guidance for reporting social and psychological intervention trials


CONSORT Abstract item

Relevant CONSORT-SPI item


Identification of the study as randomised



Contact details for the corresponding author


Trial design

Description of the trial design (e.g. parallel, cluster, noninferiority)

If the unit of random assignment is not the individual, refer to CONSORT for Cluster Randomised Trials and report the items included in its extension for abstracts [8]



Eligibility criteria for participants and the settings where the data were collected

When applicable, eligibility criteria for the setting of intervention delivery and the eligibility criteria for the persons who delivered the interventions


Interventions intended for each group



Specific objective or hypothesis

If pre-specified, how the intervention was hypothesised to work


Clearly defined primary outcome for this report



How participants were allocated to interventions


 Awareness of assignment

Who was aware of intervention assignment after allocation (for example, participants, providers, those assessing outcomes), and how any masking was done



 Number randomly assigned

Number randomised to each group



Trial status




Extent to which interventions were actually delivered by providers and taken up by participants as planned

 Number analysed

Number analysed in each group



For the primary outcome, a result for each group and the estimated effect size and its precision



Important adverse events or side effects



General interpretation of the results


Trial registration

Registration number and name of trial register



Source of funding