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Table 1 Locations, therapeutic indications and manipulations of the acupuncture points selected in this study

From: Effectiveness and safety of acupuncture for elderly overactive bladder population in Hong Kong: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial





BL32 (次髎)

On the sacrum, medial and inferior to the posterosuperior iliac spine, just at the 2nd posterior sacral foramen

Lumbago, hernia, irregular menstruation, abnormal discharge, dysmenorrheal, emission, impotence, enuresis, dysuria, flaccidity of lower extremities

Puncture perpendicularly to a depth of 1.2 cun, then apply reinforcing technique with the lifting and thrusting movement for 30 s

BL23 (腎俞)

On the lower back, below the spinous process of the 2nd lumbar vertebra, 1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline

Emission, impotence, enuresis, irregular menstruation, leukorrhagia, lumbago, soreness and weakness of the waist and knee, dizziness and vertigo, tinnitus, deafness, edema, dyspnea, diarrhea

Puncture perpendicularly to a depth of 1.2 cun, then apply reinforcing technique with the lifting and thrusting movement for 30 s

SP6 (三陰交)

On the medial side of the leg,3 cun above the tip of the medial malleolus, posterior to the medial border of the tibia

Abdominal pain, borborygmus, distention of the abdomen, diarrhea, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, metrostaxis and metrorrhagia, abnormal vaginal discharge, prolapse of the uterus, infertility, dystocia, emission, impotency, enuresis, dysuria, edema, hernia, pain in the vulva, flaccidity of the lower extremities, headache, dizziness, insomnia

Puncture perpendicularly to a depth of 1.0 cun, then apply reinforcing technique with the lifting and thrusting movement for 30 s

KI3 (太溪)

On the medial border of the foot, posterior to the medial malleolus, in the depression between the tip of the medial malleolus and Achilles tendon

Dry and sore throat, toothache, deafness, tinnitus, dizziness, hemoptysis, dyspnea, diabetes mellitus, irregular menstruation, insomnia, emission, impotence, frequency of micturition, lumbago

Puncture perpendicularly to a depth of 0.8 cun, then apply reinforcing technique with the lifting and thrusting movement for 30 s

BL39 (委陽)

At the lateral end of the popliteal crease, medial to the tendon of the biceps muscle of the thigh

Stiffness of the back and lumbar region, distention of the lower abdomen, edema, dysuria, contraction of the leg and foot.

Puncture perpendicularly to a depth of 1.0 cun, then apply reinforcing technique with the lifting and thrusting movement for 30 s

BL28 (膀胱俞)

On the sacrum and on the level of the 2nd posterior sacral foramen, 1.5 cun lateral to the median sacral crest.

Interrupted urination, enuresis, frequency of micturition, diarrhea, constipation, stiffness and pain in the back and lumbar region

Puncture perpendicularly to a depth of 1.0 cun, then apply reinforcing technique with the lifting and thrusting movement for 30 s

CV4 (關元)

On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midline, 3 cun below the center of the umbilicus

Enuresis, nocturnal emission, frequency of micturition, retention of urination, hernia, irregular menstruation, abnormal vaginal discharge, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, postpartum hemorrhage. Pain in the lower abdomen, indigestion, diarrhea, rectal prolapse, apoplexy marked by prostration syndrome

Puncture perpendicularly to a depth of 1.0 cun, then apply reinforcing technique with the lifting and thrusting movement for 30 s