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Table 4 Item type-position interaction effects

From: Impact of question order on prioritisation of outcomes in the development of a core outcome set: a randomised controlled trial


Averagea percentage of PROs and clinical items rated essential, median (IQR)

Difference in medians (95% CI)b

P valuec

PRO first

PRO last


80.9 (59.7 to 93.4)

92.1 (61.4 to 98.7)

11.2 (−2.5 to 19.7)


Health professionals

68.2 (58.3 to 81.6)

70.0 (42.3 to 82.0)

1.8 (−14.8 to 13.3)


  1. aAverage calculated for each participant as ([% essential PROs] + [% essential clinical])/2
  2. bBias-corrected bootstrap 95% CIs
  3. cP values derived from Mann–Whitney tests