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Table 1 Needling and acupuncture details

From: Warm-needling acupuncture and medicinal cake-separated moxibustion for hyperlipidemia: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Warm needling acupuncture (needle + moxa stick)


Fenglong (ST40, bilateral), Zusanli (ST36, bilateral), Sanyinjiao (SP6, bilateral)

 Depths of insertion

Fenglong (ST40) for 1.0 to 2.0 cun, Zusanli (ST36) and Sanyinjiao (SP6) for 1.0 to 1.5 cun (“cun” is a traditional Chinese measure using the width of a person’s thumb at the knuckle, whereas the width of the 2 forefingers denotes 1.5 cun and the width of 4 fingers (except the thumb) side-by-side is 3 cuns. Therefore, 1 cun may vary from person to person)

 Needle stimulation

Manual manipulation

 Responses elicited

De qi sensation

 Needle retention time

30 min

 Needle specifications

Sterile single-use acupuncture needles of 25–40 mm in length and 0.30 mm in diameter; manufactured by Suzhou Medical Supplies Co., Ltd., Suzhou, China

 Moxibustion specifications

Small moxa stick, made of mugwort, with 1.5 cm length; manufactured by Suzhou Medical Supplies Co., Ltd., Suzhou, China


(1) locate and sterilize the acupoints; (2) insert the needles and stimulate to elicit response; (3) attach a small moxa stick to the needle tail and light the moxa stick; and (4) retain needles with moxa sticks for 30 min

Medicinal cake-separated moxibustion (medicinal cake + moxa cone)


Juque (RN14), Tianshu (ST25, bilateral), Pishu (BL20, bilateral), Xinshu (BL15, bilateral), Ganshu (BL18, bilateral), Shenshu (BL23, bilateral)

 Cake ingredients

Dan Shen (Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae), Shan Zha (Fructus Crataegi), Yu Jin (Radix Curcumae), Da Huang (Radix et Rhizoma Rhei) and Ze Xie (Rhizoma Alismatis)

 Cake preparation method

All cake ingredients in the same quantities were collected, ground into powder, mixed well with vinegar, and made into round, thin cakes of 1.5 cm in diameter, 3 mm in thickness and 3 g in weight; manufactured by Suzhou Medical Supplies Co., Ltd., Suzhou, China

 Moxibustion specifications

Moxa cone, made of mugwort, with 1 cm in diameter; manufactured by Suzhou Medical Supplies Co., Ltd., Suzhou, China

 Retention time

3 cones in total for 30 min


(1) locate the acupoints; (2) place the herbal cake on to the acupoints; (3) place a moxa cone onto the herbal cake and light the moxa cone; (4) renew the moxa cone once it is fully consumed, with 3 moxa cones in total per acupoint; and (5) retain herbal cakes with moxa cones for 30 min