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Table 4 Comments by participants during pre-drama focus group discussions

From: Engaging adolescents in tuberculosis and clinical trial research through drama

What must people do when they have TB and when people are talking bad things about TB? Some people are saying bad things about them.

Some people keep it a secret when they are infected with TB.

Because they don’t know if you have TB, so they talk to you and they touch you. When they find out that you have TB, they don’t want you anymore.

Because they feel … how can I say this now … they feel that they are not equal to others because they have this virus.

But sometimes you get people who are like, don’t touch me, you have TB.

They are like avoiding you, and don’t touch me.

Or they say **, don’t speak with them.

Don’t go to that girl, she’s dirty.

I think it’s the ** type of illness that they’re hiding because of what they heard. So that is why it’s making it difficult for people to take their medicine.

Ja, that’s very important. Because you were saying that sometimes people don’t like the people with TB. They say go away, and they don’t want to eat with you.