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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria by type of study participant

From: The advance care planning PREPARE study among older Veterans with serious and chronic illness: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Veteran patient

Inclusion criteria

60 years of age or older

Obtains care in the primary care clinics (General Medicine, Geriatrics, and Women’s Clinic) at the San Francisco VA Medical Center

Has been seen at least twice in the last year by a primary care provider (a measure of established primary care) and had at least two additional visits to the VA in the past year (a measure of frequent the medical center)

Exclusion criteria

Dementia by ICD-9 codes, clinician assessment, chart review or self-report

Blindness or poor vision by ICD-9 codes, clinician assessment, chart review, self-report of blindness or the inability to read print on a newspaper, or research staff assessment of less than 20/200 vision on the Snellen eye chart with corrective lenses [42].

Deafness by ICD-9 codes, clinician assessment, self-report, chart review or research staff assessment

Cognitive impairment as assessed by research staff of any deficits on the validated cognitive assessments Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire (SPMSQ) [43] and the mini-Cog [44]

Delirium or psychosis as assessed by a clinician or research staff

Does not report fluency in English

No phone for additional study contacts and follow-up interviews

Active drug or alcohol abuse within the past 3 months determined by clinician assessment, self-report, chart review or research staff assessment

Patients who report they will be out of town during their scheduled follow-up interview dates outside of a window of 2 months

Patients who cannot answer consent teach-back questions after three attempts

Surrogate participant

Inclusion criteria

18 years of age or older

An enrolled patient must identify the surrogate as someone who could make medical decisions for him or her if needed

An enrolled patient must give the surrogate’s contact information and give permission to contact their potential surrogate

Exclusion criteria

Self-reported dementia, blindness, or deafness

Cognitive impairment as assessed by research staff of any deficits on the validated cognitive assessments Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire (SPMSQ) [43] and the mini-Cog [44]

Delirium or psychosis as assessed by research staff

Does not report fluency in English

No phone for follow-up interviews

Surrogates who report they will be out of town during their scheduled follow-up interview dates outside of a window of 2 months

Surrogate for whom we cannot schedule an interview greater than 6 months from the Veteran’s final 6-month follow-up interview date

Surrogates for whom we have attempted to contact 5 times or more without a response

Surrogates who cannot answer consent teach-back questions after three attempts