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Table 3 Content of counseling messages

From: Feasibility and effectiveness of the baby friendly community initiative in rural Kenya: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

• Maternal nutrition:


Food portions during pregnancy and lactation


Appropriate foods (nutritious, affordable, and locally available) during pregnancy and lactation


Frequency of feeding during pregnancy and lactation

• Breastfeeding:


Breast positioning and attachment


Immediate initiation of breastfeeding after birth


Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months


Frequency and duration of breastfeeding


Expressing breast milk, storage and cup feeding


Dealing with breast conditions


Breastfeeding for HIV-positive women

• Complementary feeding:


Timely initiation of complementary foods


Appropriate complementary foods (nutritious, affordable, and locally available)


Feeding frequency and quantity


Appropriate feeding practices including hygiene and responsive feeding behaviors


Safe preparation and storage of foods