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Table 1 Eligibility criteria

From: A comparison of cognitive-behavioral couple therapy and lidocaine in the treatment of provoked vestibulodynia: study protocol for a randomized clinical trial

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Inclusion criteria

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Participants with PVD

Participants with PVD

Participants with PVD

- Pain during intercourse which a) is subjectively distressing, b) occurs on 80% of intercourse attempts, and c) has lasted for at least 1 year

- Significant pain in one or more locations of the vestibule during the gynecological examination, which is operationalized as a minimum patient pain rating of 4 on a scale of 0 to 10

- Vulvar pain not clearly linked to intercourse or pressure applied to the vestibule

- Pain limited to intercourse and other activities involving pressure to the vestibule

- Diagnosis of PVD

- Presence of one of the following: a) active infection, b) vaginismus (as defined by DSM-IV), e) dermatologic lesion, f) pregnancy or planning a pregnancy, g) known allergy to lidocaine, and h) menopause.

- Sexually active as a couple in the last 3 months (not limited to but must include some attempted vaginal penetration)

- Receiving treatment for PVD

- Cohabiting and/or been a couple for at least 6 months and have at least 4 in-person contacts per week

Participants with PVD and Partners

- Aged 18–45 years

- Presence of major medical and/or psychiatric illness in either partner

Participants with PVD and Partners

- Receiving couple therapy

- Read and write in English and/or French, with regular access to internet and email

- Presence of severe relational distress and/or high level of physical conflict

- Age: 18 years or older

  1. DSM-IV Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV; PVD provoked vestibulodynia.