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Table 1 Components of the online training programme and their relationship to constructs within TPB and SCT

From: Movement as Medicine for Type 2 Diabetes: protocol for an open pilot study and external pilot clustered randomised controlled trial to assess acceptability, feasibility and fidelity of a multifaceted behavioural intervention targeting physical activity in primary care


Form and information content

Theoretical constructs

Module 1:

Video recording of a professor of movement and metabolism introducing the programme and providing details of how and why MaMT2D was developed

Symbolising (SCT)

Introduction to MaMT2D

Attitudes and beliefs (TPB)

Subjective norms (TPB)

Video recording of a Consultant Diabetologist and a Diabetes Specialist Nurse providing an overview of why PA is important for the management of T2D

Modules 3 (metabolism & type 2 Diabetes), 4 (physical activity in the care of type 2 Diabetes); and 5 (physical activity & exercise)

Evidence-based information about the role of metabolism, PA and exercise in the context of Type 2 diabetes

Symbolising (SCT)

Attitudes/beliefs (TPB)

Forethought (SCT)

Intention (TPB)

Module 6:

Evidence-based information on the use of psychological theory and theory linked behaviour change techniques and counselling skills to change PA behaviour

Attitudes/beliefs (TPB)

Using psychology to change physical activity Behaviour

Forethought (SCT)

Intention (TPB)

Module 7: Using behaviour change techniques to increase physical activity behaviour

Video demonstrations of a Diabetes Specialist Nurse demonstrating the use of behaviour change techniques and behaviour change counselling techniques in practice with a mock patient

Symbolising (SCT)

Observational Learning (SCT)

Perceived Behavioural Control (TPB) and Self-efficacy (SCT)

Subjective norms (TPB)

Module 8:

Flowchart diagram demonstrating how to screen adults with T2D prior to PA/exercise

Self-regulation (SCT)

Screening before physical activity

Perceived Behavioural Control (TPB) and Self-efficacy (SCT)

End of module 3,4 and 5 quiz questions

Provides feedback on performance

Perceived Behavioural Control (TPB) and Self-efficacy (SCT)

Flowchart summary (crib sheet with prompts) of the protocol for use of the patient toolkit during diabetes review appointments

Prompts for healthcare professionals to use specific behaviour change skills and techniques

Symbolising (SCT)

Perceived Behavioural Control (TPB) and Self-efficacy (SCT)

Intention (TPB)

Self-regulation (SCT)

  1. MaMT2D, Movement as Medicine for Type 2 Diabetes; TBP, Theory of Planned Behaviour; SCT, Social Cognitive Theory. Module 2 of the online training intervention programme provided participating healthcare professionals with an overview of the research process, that is how MaMT2D will be evaluated. It was not designed to target any theoretical constructs and as such was not included in Table 1.