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Table 1 The Irish DAFNE Study: Describing the Intervention

From: Cost effectiveness of group follow-up after structured education for type 1 diabetes: a cluster randomised controlled trial

DAFNE course

The DAFNE course is delivered over 5 consecutive days to groups of up to 8 individuals who are using a basal/bolus insulin regimen to manage their diabetes. It involves 38 hours of structured education covering all aspects of diabetes self-management with an emphasis on carbohydrate estimation and matching of quick-acting insulin to food.

The course is delivered by a DAFNE-trained diabetes nurse, dietitian and doctor, who are regularly peer reviewed to ensure that the education is consistently delivered according to the curriculum.

All groups are invited back to a 3 hour review session at 6 weeks post-DAFNE to consolidate skills learned and to review targets and goals.

Group follow up

Intervention arm participants met at 6 and 12 months post-DAFNE in the original group to which they were assigned. Group follow-up sessions lasted approximately 3 hours.

Sessions were facilitated by trained educators using a structured curriculum, which included topics such as principles of insulin dose adjustment, carbohydrate estimation and managing hypoglycaemia. Groups identified their own priorities for discussion while the educator used the curriculum to guide the session.


Participants were encouraged to reflect on progress and difficulties with their original self-management goals and to produce an updated action plan.