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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria TREFAMS-ACE trials

From: The effectiveness of aerobic training, cognitive behavioural therapy, and energy conservation management in treating MS-related fatigue: the design of the TREFAMS-ACE programme

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Definitive diagnosis of MS

Depression (HADS depression >11)

Severely fatigued (CIS20r-fatigue ≥35)

Primary sleep disorders

Aged between 18 and 70 years

Severe co-morbidity (CIRS item scores ≥3)

Ambulatory patients (an EDSS score ≤6)

Current pregnancy or having given birth in the past 3 months

No evident signs of an exacerbation or a corticosteroid treatment in the past 3 months

Pharmacological treatment for fatigue in the past 3 months

No infections (normal leukocytes and C-reactive protein in blood)

Non-pharmacological therapies for fatigue in the past 3 months

No anaemia (normal haemoglobin and haematocrit in blood)


No thyroid dysfunction (normal thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) in blood)