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Table 2 Objectives and associated navigator actions

From: IDEAS for a healthy baby - reducing disparities in use of publicly reported quality data: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Intervention objective

Navigator action

Inform about the purpose of quality measures

Describes concept of quality in language that is meaningful to participants

Describe how quality of care varies

Gives examples of quality measures and range of performance variation; explains potential meaning for child’s health

Educate about the existence of publicly reported health care quality data

Demonstrates several sites with publicly reported quality data, draws analogy to consumer reports

Assist in use of MHQP website

Shows performance measures on website, describes how they are determined, shows local practice data, guides in use

Support for informed decision making

Puts health care quality in the context of other decisions new parents make (such as circumcisionand breast or bottle feeding)

  1. MHQP Massachusetts Health Quality Partners.