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Table 5 How resource use will be measured and valued for the primary analysis

From: The Active for Life Year 5 (AFLY5) school-based cluster randomised controlled trial protocol: detailed statistical analysis plan


How it will be measured

How it will be valued

Global organisation of training

CH staff time organising training, including organising training materials and briefing the trainers1

TS: number of hours

Salary scales

CH staff attendance at training day1

TS: number of hours

Salary scales

Trainers fee1

Fee per session

Fee as given

Venue cost1

Cost per hour

University finance

Trainers subsistence cost1

From expense sheets

Cost as given


From invoices

Cost as given

School-specific organisation of training

CH staff time organising training2

TS: number of hours

Salary scales

CH staff time on phone calls2

TS: number of phone calls* average length of phone call (in min)

Salary scales

School staff time on phone calls2

TS: number of phone calls* average length of phone call (in min)

Salary scales

Phone calls2

TS: number of phone calls


Teachers time attending training day2

Cost of supply teachers

Cost given by schools

Travel costs2

TDES: Car: mileage

University reimbursement

Bus/train/taxi: fare

Child care costs2


Cost given by teachers

Informal costs:

TDES: difference between normal travel time to work and travel to training day

Average wage rate from labour force survey

Extra time spent travelling to training day2

Global delivery of intervention

Time spent producing teaching and homework materials1

TS: number of hours

Salary scales

Cost of consumables1


Cost as given

CH staff time in meetings in relation to delivering the intervention1

TS: number of hours

Salary scales

School-specific delivery of intervention

Time spent delivering materials to schools2

TS: number of hours

Salary scales

Travel costs of delivering materials to schools2

Travel claim forms

University reimbursement

CH staff time corresponding with schools in relation to delivery of the intervention2

TS: number of hours

Salary scales

Phone calls2

TS: number of phone calls


School staff time on phone calls2

TS: number of phone calls* average length of phone call (in min)

Salary scales

Teachers’ time in preparation of AFL5 lessons2

TL: number of minutes

Salary scales

The opportunity cost of teaching the AFL5 lessons2

TL: the AFL5 lesson time in min. Who taught the AFL5 lesson? The lesson it displaced. Who would have taught the displaced lesson?

The AFL5 lesson time (min)*pro rata salary scale of teacher delivering session minus the AFL5 lesson time (min)*pro rata salary scale of teacher who would have taught displaced lesson

Consumables used 2


Cost as given

  1. TDES (training day expense sheet: school staff); TS (time sheet); TL (teacher’s log).
  2. 1Divided by number of study pupils in AFL5 intervention arm.
  3. 2Divided by number of study pupils in each AFL5 intervention arm school.