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Table 2 Planned actions and timelines when accrual is stopped to trial arms

From: Flexible trial design in practice - stopping arms for lack-of-benefit and adding research arms mid-trial in STAMPEDE: a multi-arm multi-stage randomized controlled trial

Action required





Notify sites in writing of IDMC meeting date to pre-warn

-28 d

-28 d

Circulate prior letter from regulatory agency confirming that stopping early for LOB is not a substantial amendment, but part of trial design

-28 d

-28 d

IDMC meeting

-7 d

-7 d

IDMC notes and recommendations finalised

(<1 w)

(<1 w)

TSC meeting: stop / continue decision for each research arm

Day 0

Day 0

Turn off randomisation to arms stopping early for safety

<24 h

<1 w

Notify centres by email; patients to ignore irrelevant parts of PIS

<24 h

<24 h

Notify relevant industry partners

<24 h

<24 h

Notify TMG members

<24 h

<24 h

Alert trials unit staff to potential queries

<24 h

<48 h

Phone all site PIs. Instructed to hand-amend PIS and CF. Updated documentation to follow

<1 w

<1 w

Protocol and documents updated and agreed by TMG

<1 w

<1 w

Summary information for patients

<2 w

<2 w

Notify ethics committee and regulatory agency (for information only)

<2 w

<2 w

Detailed discussions with industry partners

<1 m

<1 m

TMG review of processes

<1 m

<1 m

  1. Key: LOB = lack-of-benefit; IDMC = Independent Data Monitoring Committee; TSC = Trial Steering Committee; TMG = Trial Management Group; PIS = patient information sheet; CF = consent form; h = hour; w = week.
  2. Note: the observed timelines broadly followed these plans.