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Table 1 Eligibility criteria

From: The mesenchymal stem cells in multiple sclerosis (MSCIMS) trial protocol and baseline cohort characteristics: an open-label pre-test: post-test study with blinded outcome assessments

Clinically definite multiple sclerosis

Expanded Kurtzke Disability Status Score (EDSS) 2.0 - 6.5 inclusive

Clinical evidence of optic nerve involvement on history or examination*

Abnormal visual evoked potential from one or both eyes suggestive of demyelination

Retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) thickness of at least 45 microns in one eye

T2 lesion on MRI of optic nerve

Age 18 - 65 inclusive

Capacity to give consent

No serious underlying bleeding disorder

Not on Beta-interferon or Glatiramer acetate within six months of trial entry and not previously on other disease modifying therapies at any point

  1. * Defined as history of optic neuritis, Unthoff's phenomenon, or optic atrophy on examination