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Table 1 The inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria

From: Effects of programmed flexor–extensor alternating electrical acupoint stimulation on upper limb motor functional reconstruction after stroke: study protocol for a double-blind, randomized controlled trial

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Inclusion criteria for patients

 a. Meet the diagnostic criteria of stroke [15, 16]

a. Severe cognitive dysfunction, severe aphasia, cannot cooperate with the whole treatment or testing process

 b. Age: 35 ~ 75 years old, male and female

b. Patients with serious primary diseases such as heart, lung, kidney, liver, and endocrine system

 c. Course of disease: 2 weeks to 3 months after stroke, stable vital signs, basically normal cognitive function, can cooperate to complete the test

c. Neurological or musculoskeletal diseases affecting functional recovery before onset

 d. Manual muscle test (MMT) ≥ 2 [17], modified Ashworth (MAS) [18] of paralyzed upper limbs are graded I ~ II

d. Cerebral stem stroke or bilateral stroke

 e. Body mass index (BMI) ≤ 28

e. Patients with severe anxiety, depression, affective disorders, schizophrenia, and other serious mental disorders

 f. No serious heart, lung, kidney, and other functional damage; serious underlying diseases; pain in the affected side of the upper limb joint

f. Examination confirmed by brain tumor, brain trauma, brain parasitic diseases, metabolic disorders, rheumatic heart disease, coronary heart disease, and other heart diseases with atrial fibrillation caused by cerebral embolism

 g. The informed consent is signed by the patient and/or his/her family members. Note: patients who meet the above 7 criteria can be included in this study

g. Patients with skin damage, infection, or deformity at the treatment site

Inclusion criteria for healthy subjects

 a. Those who have been proven to be healthy by physical examination and have no organic lesions or obvious functional diseases


 b. Age: 35 ~ 75 years old, male and female


 c. No cold, fever, cough, headache, and other physical abnormalities during the test


 d. Do not take any excitability drugs in the past 1 month, no recent treatment related to the trial content


 e. No history of mental or nervous system


 f. The subject agrees and signs the informed consent