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Table 9 Intersecting barriers: physical health and study-design logistics

From: Using a qualitative sub-study to inform the design and delivery of randomised controlled trials on medicinal cannabis for symptom relief in patients with advanced cancer




Data displays

Weekly hospital appointments

Physical health

Poor health/stamina and inhibited capacity to walk or travel to attend hospital appointments

[I]f it had been a year and a half to two years ago, I would have made sure I got in to do it. I’d have been happy to do the trial… But the state I’m in now, I’m just not able. (P27F, declined)

My exercise tolerance is abysmal; I walk 10 metres and I’m stuffed… I would be willing to be involved in a trial, if it only consisted of taking a dose of medication once a day … and reporting by phone…to… climb up that bloody hill…[from the train station to the hospital] is becoming more and more - I mean, my wife said, the last time, ‘it looks like I’m going to have to get you a wheelchair’ (P44M, declined)


Lack of consistent transportation

It was with coming out and in all the time. I’ve got a good half hour’s journey and I don’t always have someone to bring me in. So, it’s a bit of a problem getting transport in. That’s the only reason [for my not participating in the trial]. (P27F, declined)


Time commitment associated with weekly hospital appointments seen as too burdensome by participants with work and competing specialist appointments

When Dr [de-identified] said, I’ll have to come in here every week, ‘I’m going oh, I have enough trouble coming in here once a month…’ I do casual work every week and that’s just too much…. If I had to come in every week for the marijuana, no, it would be all too much. (P28M, declined)

I chose not to go onto the study, there’s enough on my plate to be quite honest without getting involved…. with another commitment… (P40M, declined)


Time and financial costs deemed too onerous by those living far from the hospital

I heard about it and I was all for it. It just really - we couldn’t fit it in to our time slots. We’re from the country, it takes us three and a half hours to get down here. It would have cost us out of pocket a fair bit of money for accommodation, travel, et cetera. (P37M, declined)