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Table 7 Enablers: perceived benefits to others

From: Using a qualitative sub-study to inform the design and delivery of randomised controlled trials on medicinal cannabis for symptom relief in patients with advanced cancer




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Helping others—in addition to or instead of themselves—as a primary impetus in their MedCan participation decision

I will go on any trial if somewhere along the line it will help you, help your friends or help somebody else, and you’ve got to have trials to find all this stuff out. (P22M, agreed)

Well [my participation in MedCan is] certainly not self-interest because you’ve got no guarantee that… you’re not an active recipient in the trial. You could be on a placebo…. So, it’s about just the greater good of the research… hopefully in some small way it can help. (P47M, agreed)


Altruism combined with a hope that medicinal cannabis had anti-cancer effects

I realise my fight is nearly over, but as I said I’ll willingly take any trial that might increase the possibility of a - of the next person surviving. That’s the only reason I’m doing it. (P11M, agreed)


Altruism underpinned by political enthusiasm for cannabis legalisation

One of my reasons [for participating in MedCan] is I hope it can help the cause to legalise it. (P10F, agreed)