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Table 1 Themes and programme of the MCCP

From: Effectiveness of a Mindful Compassion Care Program in reducing burnout and psychological distress amongst frontline hospital nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial


Mindfulness exercises

Mindfulness psychoeducation

Week 1

Automatic pilot; soothing breath; standing yoga

Mindfulness practice and programmes; automatic pilot

Week 2

Automatic pilot: the day I suffered; soothing breath

Mind-wandering; thoughts and feelings

Week 3

Automatic pilot; experiential acceptance; standing yoga

Automatic thoughts; acceptance

Week 4

Soothing breath; compassionate self

Psychological flexibility; compassionate mind

Week 5

Sitting meditation; three pillars of death; mindful walking

Self-compassion; loving kindness

Week 6

Sitting meditation; loving kindness; compassion flowing out

Compassionate care

Final Session

Automatic pilot; sitting meditation; sitting yoga; breath meditation; mindful walking; loving kindness; compassion flowing in; compassion flowing out; breathing group
