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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria of the alley app trial

From: Evaluation of the patient-accompanying app “alley ortho companion” for patients with osteoarthritis of the knee and hip: study protocol for a randomized controlled multi-center trial

Inclusion criteria

1. Scheduled hip or knee arthroplasty

2. (OPS code 5-820/5-822)

3. Both gender the ages older than 18 years

4. Ownership of a smartphone or internet-enabled device (e.g., tablet)

Exclusion criteria

1. Knee or hip arthroplasty due to emergency

(e.g., after a fall)

2. Knee or hip arthroplasty due to revision surgery

3. Level 3 care degree or higher according to the German long-term care insurance

4. Cognitive impairment of any kind (according to the assessment of the attending physicians) that prevents the proper use of the app

5. Neurological disorder (e.g., Parkinson’s disease, MS, dementia) (according to the assessment of the treating doctors) that prevents the proper use of the app

6. Severe psychiatric disorder that prevents the proper use of the app.

7. Patient’s age younger than 18 years

8. Insufficient knowledge of German language to use the app

9. No ownership of a smartphone or internet-enabled device

10. Women in pregnancy

11. Women during lactation