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Table 2 Attempted versus completed tasks by intervention delivery in the ICU, primary outcome, and 90-day follow-up

From: Research interrupted: applying the CONSERVE 2021 Statement to a randomized trial of rehabilitation during critical illness affected by the COVID-19 pandemic


Patients (n)

Attempted (n/total, %)

Reasons not attempted

Completed (n/total, %)

Reasons not completed

Randomized ICU intervention

Routine PR


15/15 (100%) days


12/15 (80%) days

Patient D/C from ICU before noonb (n = 2)

Therapist workload (n = 1)



3/5 (60%) days

Research personnel not permitted on sitea (n = 2 days)

2/3 (67%) days

Patient D/C from ICU before noonb (n = 1)


3-days post-ICU physical function Ax*


5/6 (83%) Ax

Research personnel not permitted on sitea (n = 1)

3/5 (60%) Ax

Patient refusal (n = 1)

Assessor perceived patient unablec (n = 1)

90-day Ax


17/17 (100%) Ax


15/17 (88%) Ax

Unable to reach patient or SDM within timeframe (n = 2)

  1. In this table, we summarize the attempted versus completed research activities and associated reasons. We highlight both pandemic and non-pandemic reasons for unsuccessful protocol delivery and outcomes assessments
  2. Abbreviations: PR physical rehabilitation, D/C discharge, ICU intensive care unit, Ax assessment, SDM substitute decision maker
  3. *Primary outcome for the trial
  4. aUnable to attempt due to COVID reasons
  5. bThese reasons are within protocol and are not considered to be deviations
  6. cAssessor perceives the patient is unable to complete an assessment due to safety concerns