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Table 1 Locations of acupoints for the TA group

From: Effect of acupuncture for diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome: study protocol for a randomized clinical trial




Fixed acupoints of the TA group

Tianshu (ST25)

On the horizontal line of the navel, 2 cuna beside the anterior midline

Zhongwan (RN12)

On the anterior midline of the upper abdomen, 4 cun superior to the navel

Guanyuan (CV4)

On the anterior midline of the abdomen, 3 cun inferior to the navel

Zusanli (ST36)

3 cun directly below ST35 and one fingerbreadth lateral to the anterior border of the tibia

Shangjuxu (ST37)

On the anterolateral aspect of the leg, 6 cun inferior to the ST35, and one fingerbreadth lateral to the anterior border of the tibia

Optional acupoints of the TA group

Taichong (LR3)

In the depression anterior to the junction of the first and second metatarsal bones

Sanyinjiao (SP6)

On the tibial aspect of the leg, posterior to the medial border of the tibia, and 3 cun superior to the prominence of the medial malleolus

Neiting (ST44)

On the instep, between the second and third toes of the red and white flesh behind the webbed margin

  1. a1 cun (≈ 20 mm) is defined as the width of the interphalangeal joint of the participant’s thumb