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Table 4 Definition of SAEs

From: EvaLuation of early CRRT and beta-blocker InTervention in patients with ECMO (ELITE) trial: study protocol for a 2 × 2 partial factorial randomized controlled trial

The SAEs include but are not limited to

Major bleeding

 Bleeding requires transfusion for > 2 units

Severe arrhythmias

 Type II second-degree AVB or third-degree AVB

 Sustained ventricular tachycardia (> 30 s)

 Ventricular fibrillation

Ventilator associated pneumonia, which needs to meet all the criteria below:

 At least 48 h after endotracheal intubation

 Chest X-ray showing sustained or worsening shadowing (infiltrates or consolidations)

 Signs of pulmonary consolidation and/or crackles on auscultation, at least meet one of the following criteria:

  a) White blood cell count > 10 × 109/L or < 4 × 109/L

  b) Temperature > 37.5 °C, purulent secretions

  c) Positive cultures obtained directly from bronchial secretions

Bloodstream infection

 Positive cultures obtained from the peripheral blood


 Purulent drainage in the operated region with pain or tenderness, localized swelling, redness, and heat or fever, requiring operation, including superficial incisional wound SSI, deep incisional wound SSI, and organ/space SSI

Limb ischemia from any cause

 Physical examination demonstrating pain, pallor, pulseless, cold, and motor or sensor deficit

 Requiring decannulation of ECMO catheter or surgical intervention


 New onset abnormal neurological signs and symptoms last for at least 24 h with radiographic evidence

Any other severe adverse events determined by the physicians

  1. AVB atrioventricular block, ECMO extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, SAE serious adverse events, SSI surgical site infection