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Table 2 CTU statistician roles and models of working

From: Blinding of study statisticians in clinical trials: a qualitative study in UK clinical trials units

Overview of statistician roles

Role name


Trial statistician

Typically responsible for day-to-day statistical input into the design, conduct and reporting of the trial. Roles include (but are not limited to):

• Input into database and CRF design

• Producing regular monitoring reports and liaising with trial committees (e.g. TMGs, DMCs and TSC)

• Planning and conducting the interim (if applicable) and final statistical analysis

Lead statisticiana

Leads on and has overall responsibility for statistical aspects of the trial. Responsible for oversight of the TS including advice and quality control. Often a co-applicant involved in the grant funding application

Non-blinded Statistician

A statistician (not the trial or lead) statistician that is able to access data by allocation. The main purpose of an unblinded statistician is to enable trial and lead statisticians to remain blinded where possible

Statistical models

Role name


Meeting attendancec


DMC (o)

DMC (c)


Model 1—Trial statistician can be unblindedb to maintain blind of lead statistician

Trial statistician

Blinded at outset but can be unblinded to preserve blinding of lead statistician



Lead statistician

Remains blinded until database lock


Model 2—TS remains blinded, lead statistician (LS) can be unblindedb

Trial statistician

Remains blinded until database lock.


Lead statistician

May become unblinded (if required) to maintain the TS blind. If not previously unblinded, they are unblinded at database lock



Model 3—TS and LS remain blinded by having a third unblinded statistician

Trial statistician

Remains blinded until database lock


Lead statistician

Remains blinded until database lock


Non-blinded Statistician





Model 4—TS and LS remain ‘pseudo-blinded’ by using coded groupsd

Trial statistician

Remains “blinded” to true treatment allocations until database lock



Lead statistician

Remains “blinded” to true treatment allocations until database lock



Model 5—Both statisticians can be unblindedb during the trial

Trial statistician

May become unblinded if required. If not during the trial, they are unblinded at database lock



Lead statistician

May become unblinded if required. If not during the trial, they are unblinded at database lock



Model 6—All statisticians are unblindedb

Trial statistician




Lead statistician




  1. CRF case report form, DMC Data Monitoring Committee, TMGs Trial Management Groups, TS trial statistician, TSC Trial Steering Committee
  2. aThe focus groups also identified that in some instances the lead statistician (also referred to as senior or principal statistician) would delegate responsibility for certain tasks to another statistician (e.g. validation of statistical programming)
  3. bNote SAP is written and signed off early (amendments recorded) so unblinded data can be seen
  4. cAttendance at meetings: TMGs, DMC (open and closed), TSC (—Yes, () —Sometimes))
  5. dCoded allocation groups can be used to facilitate analysis and reporting of data split by treatment group without directly revealing participants’ allocated treatment