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Table 2 SilverCloud Space from Depression i-CBT 8-module overview

From: The Appalachia Mind Health Initiative (AMHI): a pragmatic randomized clinical trial of adjunctive internet-based cognitive behavior therapy for treating major depressive disorder among primary care patients

The following modules will be released to all participants assigned to the i-CBT arms

Session 1: Getting Started: This module introduces the user to cognitive behavioral therapy and explores how it can help the user to understand what is going on inside them and make changes to feel better. It also introduces the user to two of the key tools in the program—the Mood Monitor and the CBT Cycle.

Session 2: Understanding Depression: This module introduces the user to the cycle of depression and the emotional, cognitive, physical, and behavioral aspects of depression. The user is also provided with activities to enable them to reflect on and understand their situation.

Session 3: Noticing Feelings: This module focuses on emotions and physical sensations. The aim of this module is to help the user to understand and identify their emotions and their association with low mood. This module also addresses the physical sensations that are associated with depression, and the importance of considering the impact of lifestyle choices on low mood. The user can begin to build their own CBT cycles and track the impact of their lifestyle choices on their low mood in this module.

Session 4: Boosting Behavior: This module focuses on one of the core issues of depression—inactivity and a lack of motivation. The user is introduced to the cycle of inactivity and its role in maintaining depression. This module helps to user to identify ways to motivate themselves to engage in pleasurable activities and activities that provide a sense of achievement. The user also learns about practical strategies to tackle the unpleasant physical feelings associated with depression.

Session 5: Spotting Thoughts: This module focuses on the “thoughts” component of the CBT cycle and introduces the user to negative thinking and its impact on mood. The user is introduced to a number of thinking traps and is encouraged to try and identify their negative or unhelpful thoughts. The activities allow the user to continue to build their CBT cycles.

Session 6: Challenging Thoughts: This module focuses on taking action against negative thoughts. The user is introduced to “hot thoughts” and their impact on low mood. This module helps the user to learn techniques to tackle the various thinking traps that are common in depression and to identify alternative ways of thinking. This module also introduces the user to coping thoughts and helpful self-talk thoughts.

Session 7: Core Beliefs: Many people with depression struggle with the “thoughts” component of the CBT cycle. Although they may be able to identify unhelpful thoughts and thinking traps, they may struggle to identify alternatives or generate coping thoughts. The Core Beliefs module was developed to specifically target the deeply held core beliefs that are the underlying root of these unhelpful thoughts and keep the cycle of depression and low mood going. This module helps the user to identify healthy and unhealthy core beliefs and teaches them strategies to challenge core beliefs and generate more balanced alternatives.

Session 8: Bringing It Altogether: This module prepares the user for coming to the end of the program and focuses on helping them stay well in the future. The user learns about warning signs that their mood is deteriorating and how to plan to ensure that they stay well. This module also highlights the importance of social support and continuing to use the skills and techniques that they have learned to prevent future relapse. The user has the opportunity to review the expectations that they had at the start of the program and can set goals for the future.