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Table 1 Data collection

From: Securing jugular central venous access devices with dressings fixed to a liquid adhesive in an intensive care unit population: a randomised controlled trial

Study enrolment

CVAD insertion

Daily check

CVAD removal

48 h post-CVAD removal





Skin type

• Very fair, fair, medium, olive, etc.

Skin integrity

• Good, fair, poor

Date of hospital and ICU admission

ICU admission type

• Planned, emergent, IHT

Primary reason for ICU admission

• Medical, surgical, other

Number of comorbidities

Current infections

• Blood, urinary, respiratory, etc.

Current wounds

• Yes, no

CVAD insertion site

• Left or right IJ

Placement of CVAD in IJ vein

• High, mid, low

Angle of CVAD lumens

• Down, up, horizontal

Number of CVAD lumens

Place of CVAD insertion

• ICU, OT, etc.

Antimicrobial-impregnated CVAD

• Yes, no

Inserter type

• ICU registrar, ICU consultant, anaesthetic registrar, etc.

Number of insertion attempts

Technologies used during insertion

• Ultrasound, x-ray, ECG, etc.

Hair clipped prior to CVAD insertion

• Yes, no

Dressing site

• Neck, chest, other

Diaphoretic at insertion site

• Yes, no

Facial hair at insertion site

• Yes, no

Dressing and securements in addition to ‘standard care’

• Sutures, bordered transparent dressing, tissue adhesive, etc.

Date and time of first MLA application

Staff/patient satisfaction with dressing application

• 0 = not at all satisfied, 10 = completely satisfied

Date/time of check

Reason why check not able to be completed

• Patient not available, etc.

Is randomised dressing still in situ

• Yes, no

Dressing site

• Neck, chest, other

Dressing and securements in situ

• Sutures, bordered transparent dressing, tissue adhesive, etc.

Condition of current dressing

• Clean, dry, intact, lifting at edges, etc.

How many edges of the dressing are lifting or requiring reinforcement

Complications at CVAD insertion site

• Redness, purulent discharge, pain, etc.

Has the patient mobilised, been diaphoretic, restless/agitated

• Yes, no

Signs and symptoms of skin injury/reaction

• Pain, itch, redness, rash, papules, stripping, blister, etc.

Suspected cause of MARSI or skin injury/reaction

Extent of redness, rash or maceration if applicable

Positive bloodstream infections since last daily check

• Yes, no

Number of administration sets

What is the CVAD currently being used for

• Fluids, blood products, CVP monitoring, blood sampling, etc.

Dressing changes since last daily check

• Date/time, reason for dressing change, staff/patient satisfaction, etc.

Date/time of CVC removal

Reason for CVC removal

• Treatment complete with/without complications, patient deceased, routine replacement, etc.

Complications at time of CVC removal

• Occlusion, unable to aspirate, accidental removal, suspected infection, MARSI, etc.

Signs and symptoms of skin injury/reaction

• Pain, itch, redness, etc.

Extent of redness, rash or maceration if applicable

Pain, tenderness, redness, swelling at CVC insertion site

Patient mobility at time of CVC removal

• Independent, requires assistance, bed-bound, etc.

IV antibiotics administered during CVC dwell

• Yes, no

Patient diagnosed with delirium

• Yes, no

Staff/patient satisfaction with dressing removal

• 0 = not at all satisfied, 10 = completely satisfied

Was the patient alive at 48 h after CVC removal?

• Yes, no

Date/time of death


Results of CVC tip culture

Results of CVC insertion site swabs

Results of blood cultures

  1. APACHE Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation, CVAD central venous access device, CVP central venous pressure, ECG electrocardiogram, ICU intensive care unit, IHT inter-hospital transfer, IJ internal jugular, MARSI medical adhesive related skin injury, MLA Mastisol liquid adhesive, OT operating theatre, SAE serious adverse event