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Table 3 Assumptions and costings for “Newsletters”—hypothetical trial Ireland and the MAMI trial [14]

From: How much is the lack of retention evidence costing trial teams in Ireland and the UK?

Strategy 1

Assumptions made

Hypothetical trial (Ireland)


→ 2 newsletters sent out over the 1-year trial period.

→ 5 h to develop the newsletter.

→ 2 h work to electronically send out 500 newsletters.

→ 8 h to manually post out 500 newsletters.

→ Stamp costs in Ireland = €1.10.

→ Mailchimp subscription is €151.78 for 1 year.

→ Developing the newsletter carried out by a Research Nurse (€54 hourly rate)

→ Emailing/posting out the newsletter carried out by a Research Assistant (€25 hourly rate)



Staff costs for developing and manually posting out the newsletter:

→ Developing newsletter: 5 h × €54 = €270.

→ Manually posting newsletter: 8 h × €25 = €200

→ Total staff costs = €470

Postage (stamp) costs:

→ 500 × €1.10 = €550

Total costs: Staff hours plus postage costs × frequency of activity:

→ €1020 × 2 = €2040

Staff costs for developing and electronically posting out the newsletter twice a year:

→ Developing newsletter: 5 h × €54 = €270.

→ Electronically posting newsletter: 2 h × €25 = €50.

→ Total staff costs = €320.

Electronic postage costs: Mailchimp = €151.78

Total costs: Staff costs × frequency of activity plus flat rate of Mailchimp:

→ €320 × 2 = €640 plus €151.78= €791.78

MAMI trial (Trials Journal)


→ 4 newsletters sent out over the 2-year trial period

→ 5 h to develop the newsletter.

→ 0.24 h to electronically send out 60 newsletters (2 h work to electronically send out 500 newsletters, therefore 60 newsletters is 0.24 h)

→ 0.96 h of work to manually stuff and post 60 newsletters (8 h to manually post out 500 newsletters, therefore 60 newsletters take 0.96 h)

→ Stamp costs in the Netherlands = €0.96

→ Mailchimp subscription for two years is €303.56 (€151.78 for 1 year)

→ Developing the newsletter carried out by a Research Nurse (€30 hourly)

→ Emailing/posting out the newsletter carried out by a Research Assistant (€17 hourly)



Staff costs for developing and manually posting out the newsletter twice a year:

→ Developing newsletter: 5 h × €30 = €150

→ Manually posting newsletter: 0.96 h × €17 = €16.32

→ Total staff costs = €166.32

Postage (stamp) costs:

→ 60 × €0.96 = €57.60

Total costs: Staff hours plus postage costs × frequency of activity:

→ €223.92 × 4 = €895.68

Staff costs for developing and electronically posting out the newsletter twice a year:

→ Developing newsletter: 5 h × €30 = €150

→ Electronically posting newsletter: 0.24 h × €17 = €4.08

→ Total staff costs = €154.08

Electronic postage costs: Mailchimp = €151.78 × 2 = €303.56

Total costs: Staff costs × frequency of activity plus flat rate of Mailchimp:

€154.08 × 4 = €616.32 plus €303.56= €919.88